News Release

President of Hungary Katalin Novák meets with First Presidency of the Church

On 26 September 2023, Hungarian President Katalin Novák and her staff visited Salt Lake City, in Utah, United States of America and met with President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, the first and second counselors in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Massimo De Feo, who is president of the Church’s Europe Central Area were also present.

These leaders visited about religious freedom and the freedom to express one’s own beliefs in the public square, despite what others may say or think. The role of the family was another important topic discussed in the meeting.  President Eyring remarked that families are a central element of the Church’s teachings and ‘the reason we build temples, so those families can be united forever’. President Novák commented that raising a child is the best thing anyone can do. Elder David A. Bednar remarked that during the conversation a wonderful feeling occupied the room and that everyone present was smiling.

During the discussion Elder De Feo had an opportunity to thank President Novák for being an example of a Christian who is not silent about her beliefs or afraid to speak openly about Jesus Christ. Elder De Feo said, “In a world that is becoming more and more secular, we found common ground in our shared belief that the world needs to hear the name of the Savior more. In this we are united as ‘One in Christ'."

At the end of the meeting, President Novák was told the location of the Budapest temple announced by President Russell M. Nelson in the April 2019 general conference. She appreciated and was very happy to hear that she was the first one to be officially informed before the Church made the public announcement on October 9.

The meeting closed with President Oaks commenting that the Church was blessed to meet such a Christian woman and how grateful he was that the country of Hungary was so welcoming to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Novák then asked if a prayer could be offered on behalf of her country and her people. Elder Bednar was very happy to offer that prayer.

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