News Release

President Johnson Shares Hope in Central Europe

“I hope to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to these Saints here in Central Europe,” said Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who is ministering in four Central European countries for nine days.

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President Johnson is traveling with her husband, Doug; Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary General Presidency; and Sister Browning’s husband, Brady. The leaders began their visit in Milan, Italy, on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

“There's a piece of my heart that's been in Milan since 2016 when my son served as a missionary here,” said President Johnson.

Missionaries in the Italy Milan Mission met with the General Officers during their visit.

For the past eight years, the Church of Jesus Christ has collaborated with Progetto Arca in Italy, which provides housing and food assistance to those in need. President Johnson and Sister Browning had a chance to meet with leaders of the organization on Saturday.

“I was impressed that the principles that they're employing successfully here are the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, their teachings, self-reliance. And they're addressing the needs of the one,” President Johnson said.

On Sunday, the General Officers ministered to some sisters in their homes in Milan.

“My spirits are always lifted as I hear these people testify of their commitment to Jesus Christ and of the strength that they find in him, strength to endure difficult challenges,” President Johnson said.

Members of the Relief Society also gathered in a Church meetinghouse in Milan for a countrywide broadcast on Sunday evening.

President Johnson and Sister Browning will also visit Prague, Czech Republic; Budapest, Hungary; and Zagreb, Croatia. This will be the first time they have been to those countries to minister.

“I look forward to wrapping my arms around those good sisters and the Saints as we visit each of those locations, hopefully bringing the love of our Savior Jesus Christ to them one by one,” concluded President Johnson.

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