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New music for youth in Europe uplifts and entertains

2023 Youth Theme Music Album now published in European languages

“With the Savior by my side, I can climb to greater heights, find the strength I need.” These words are sung in the title song of the 2023 youth album, “I Can Do All Things". Featuring an uplifting piano melody, orchestral accompaniment and an ensemble choir echoing the powerful lyrics, this music intends to inspire, comfort and entertain youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The new music album “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” contains spiritual, entertaining and uplifting songs for Youth.© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.


I Can Do All Things Through Christ is the newest album of youth music produced by the Church. The album consists of twelve tracks, written, arranged, and recorded for Latter-day Saint youth, intended to reflect spiritual themes in both the instrumentals and vocal performances featured on each song. The album has recently been produced into German, Italian, French, and Spanish in addition to English.

“Translating music is a very creative process. While translating a conference talk can keep you busy for five hours, translating a song can easily take days,” said Gabi Wendt, who took part in translating the album into German. “You hear the song repeatedly and try to come up with adequate words, sentences, rhymes, mood, and pictures that are like those in the original song.”

This is the eleventh year the Church has produced an album for Latter-day Saint youth. Each album is associated with the yearly youth theme, which promotes a positive message tied to Jesus Christ. This year’s theme, “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” comes from Philippians 4:13 in the Bible. Unlike hymns sung in Sunday meetings, these songs implement modern genres and styles while still expressing uplifting lyrics related to faith and hope.

The title song previously mentioned, “I Can Do All Things”, expresses the guidance followers of Jesus Christ receive by reaching out to Him, despite fears and unpleasant circumstances. “The Only One” shines light on the personal relationship one can have with the Savior through a powerful ballad. The song “Highs and Lows” describes the process of staying grounded through both good and bad times with a modern beat and melody. Each song is connected by the idea that Jesus Christ empowers individuals to accomplish things which may seem daunting or impossible.

“Most people would sing in English without understanding the meaning of its lyrics. They may enjoy the music itself, but the intended message would never reach its goal,” added Philippe Simonet, a key contributor to the French adaptation of the album. “When you sing a song in a foreign language despite the fact that you perfectly understand its meaning, the feeling is not the same as when you sing it in your native language. It may touch your mind, but not your heart in the same way.”

The album in its various language versions will be available on most music streaming services in the coming weeks. It can currently be found on the Youth Theme website in the following languages:

English: I Can Do All Things Through Christ (

German: Durch Christus kann ich alles tun (

Italian: Io posso ogni cosa in Cristo (

French: Je peux tout par le Christ (

Spanish: Todo lo puedo en Cristo (

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