The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced the 2024–2025 area leadership assignments. The changes shown below affect area presidencies and the Presidency of the Seventy and will become effective on August 1, 2024.
Download a PDF of the area leadership assignments.
The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve preside over all affairs of the Church. Members of area presidencies are General Authority Seventies or Area Seventies. Area presidencies consist of a president and two counselors who operate from area offices in each assigned area.
There are 23 areas in the Church of Jesus Christ – six that span the United States and Canada and 17 additional areas outside of those two countries.
Beginning in 1984, areas were established to direct the work in geographic locations of the global Church. The area presidencies for the U.S. and Canada work from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Church’s Middle East/Africa North Area is also administered from headquarters.
“The Seventy are to act in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Twelve … in building up the Church and regulating all the affairs of the same in all nations” (see Doctrine and Covenants 107:34).
Presidency of the Seventy
The Presidency of the Seventy for 2024-2025, from left to right: Elder Carl B. Cook, Elder José A. Teixeira, Elder S. Mark Palmer, Elder Marcus B. Nash, Elder Michael T. Ringwood, Elder Arnulfo Valenzuela and Elder Edward Dube.

Area Presidencies
The Europe Central Area Presidency for 2024-2025, from left to right: Elder Jack N. Gerard, First Counselor; Elder Rubén V. Alliaud, President; and Elder James W. McConkie III, Second Counselor.

The Europe North Area Presidency for 2024-2025, from left to right: Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis, First Counselor; Scott D. Whiting, President; and Elder Alan T. Phillips, Second Counselor.
At this time, Ukraine and Moldova are overseen by Elder Kyrylo Pokhylko, an Area Seventy, in his role as an assistant to the Europe North Area Presidency.

The Eurasian Area Presidency for 2024-2025, from left to right: Elder Nikolai Ustyuzahaninov, First Counselor; Elder Alexey V. Samaykin, President; and Elder Aleksandr A. Drachyov, Second Counselor. All are Area Seventies.