News Release

Elder Bednar meets with Government and Community Leaders in Hungary during ministry across Europe

The Apostle’s visits also include stops in Germany, Türkiye, Cyprus and Hungary

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, recently travelled across Europe, ministering to members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Germany, Türkiye, Cyprus, and Hungary. Through devotionals and conferences, Elder Bednar emphasized the importance of personal revelation, making and keeping sacred covenants, and living as disciples of Jesus Christ. He also met with government and community leaders to strengthen relationships and discuss the Church’s humanitarian efforts and contributions to family history research.


On February 14, Elder and Sister Bednar visited with youth and young single adults in Berlin during a special devotional. They were accompanied by Elder Jack N. Gerard of the Europe Central Area Presidency and his wife Claudette, as well as Elder S. Mark Palmer from the Presidency of the Seventy and his wife Jaqueline. The Bednars and other Church leaders and visitors did not offer prepared talks. Instead, they fielded questions from the youth and young single adults in attendance, including questions about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, repentance, and answering prayers.

Elder Bednar asked them to focus on impressions rather than take notes during the two-hour Q&A.

“My prayer is you will not remember one thing that we said tonight. Not one thing, but instead you will never forget what is revealed to you in your mind and in your heart by the power of the Holy Ghost. So, pay very close attention to what you are learning by the power of the Holy Ghost,” the Apostle encouraged.

Istanbul, TURKEY

The Bednars visited with members in Istanbul, Türkiye on February 16. During a special district conference, they offered encouragement and counsel on living as disciples of Jesus Christ and being good citizens in their communities. More than 500 people participated in the conference, in person or via technology.

Elder Bednar taught about the power that comes from making and keeping covenants with God: “As we make covenants with God, we can be blessed with a distinct and powerful love from a covenant connection with Him and His Son.” Elder Bednar also encouraged members to be active participants in their communities by exemplifying Christlike attributes in their daily interactions. He also explained that the Church is not a physical building, but rather a body of believers, united in Christ and committed to following Him.

Elder and Sister Bednar were accompanied by Elder Rubén V. Alliaud, president of the Europe Central Area of the Church, and his wife, Sister Fabiana Alliaud.

Larnaca, CYPRUS

Another stop of the Bednars was in Larnaca, a city on the island of Cyprus. On February 20, Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith gathered to hear the words of the special witness of the name of Jesus Christ, including Maria Zenieri, Xaoyu Wang, and Linda Farrel Mylonas who share a deep bond as pioneer members of the Church on the island. Linda has the distinction as the very first member. Together, they have witnessed the Church grow from a handful of members to nearly 600.

As Elder Bednar spoke to the congregation, he directed a portion of his remarks to those who are not members of the faith. “[The] message [of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] is the most important message you can ever hear,” the Apostle said. “It is the message of the living and resurrected Jesus Christ, with His Father, appearing to a boy who ultimately became a prophet. And it is through this prophet that the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ were restored to the earth again. We proclaim that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that Church. And we invite you to come and test this message. Come and find out for yourself.”

He left them with a witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ. “When the Savior says, ‘I am the way,’ He is the only way whereby we can return to the presence of our Heavenly Father, live with our families for eternity and ultimately become like Them,” Elder Bednar said. “I witness that is true.”

Budapest, HUNGARY

In Budapest, Elder Bednar, together with other delegates of the Church, including representation of FamilySearch, had the opportunity to meet with Miklós Soltész, Hungary’s State Secretary for Churches, Minorities, and Civil Affairs. The discussion focused on the Church’s contributions in Hungary, including humanitarian efforts and genealogical research through FamilySearch. The upcoming building of the Budapest Temple and its significance were also highlighted, with an invitation extended for government officials to attend key events such as the groundbreaking, open house, and dedication. The meeting served as an opportunity to foster closer collaboration with the government and explore areas of mutual interest.

Elder Bednar also met with Chief Archivist Dr. Csaba Szabó, Director General of the National Archives of Hungary. The meeting highlighted shared efforts to support family history research and archival preservation, building on past initiatives and exploring new opportunities. Dr. Szabó, a respected historian, has been instrumental in fostering connections between FamilySearch and Hungarian institutions, including universities and government agencies. Discussions also touched on potential future events and educational initiatives that could further promote genealogical research in Hungary.

Elder Bednar also held meetings with missionaries, Church leaders and young adults, as well as a large Multi-Stake-District Conference during his stay in the Country. In his meeting with missionaries, Elder Bednar testifies that honoring covenants can help through hard times: “As you obey and honor the covenants you make in the gospel, even in the midst of hurt, you can see beyond the hurt and through to the joy.” During the Multi-Stake-District Conference, he explains about God’s interest in us: "The Lord wants all of us, all the time. He wants to make you a new person. He doesn't require a part of you, but the whole of you. There is nothing more joyful than giving all of us to Him."

In Budapest, the Bednars were accompanied by the entire Europe Central Area Presidency and their wifes, as well as Elder Palmer and his wife.

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